Somewhere next to Rose Quartz

This is a safe space

This isn’t a space for me, but this is a safe space

There isn’t enough space for me, but this is a safe space.

She might not want you around, but this is a safe space.

They might want more from you than they wanna give themselves, but this is a safe space.

Sometimes the only space for me lies between the first and second bar. Sometimes the only space for me lies between an 81 and a 160 BPM. Sometimes the newest people be the realest people. Sometimes kief is really good. Sometimes you don’t have to explain. Sometime’s you can be okay with how you look even if people don’t like it. Sometimes you can disagree.

Because this is a safe space.

I really enjoy turning off my phone. I don’t get to do it often, but sometimes I cancel everything and ignore my obligations and just say fuck it - the universe will support me.

I need to make money, but the universe will support me.

I need to not be flaky, but the universe will support me.

I know this to be true, because I see how people in Beverly Hills live and it’s so much more than just what they drive and where they eat but more of how they navigate that car and meal. They just know.

And surely they haven’t worked harder than me. Or sacrificed more than me. Or had to make the decisions I had to make.

Surely they are where they are and feel how they feel because it was written. Because it was for them. Surely they had off days, and days where they felt less than, and days where they just couldn’t satisfy everyone not even themselves. Right? Isn’t that how the universe works? Because they are supported?

What’s for me is for me.

So if I don’t text back it’s because Im doing something. I’m doing nothing.

If I cancel it’s because my eyes were red. Again.

If I can’t work today. It’s because I already worked.

If enjoying the day was too much, it’s because I don’t think the days are going anywhere.

I feel like that bitch will still be there.

Marcus Garcia